
We’re including Live Music Streaming!

In light of COVID-19, we’re also posting live music streaming events that take place in the region.

If planning to stream your live performance, please let us know a, please let us know at info@www.bcsbestlivemusic.ca and we’ll post it on this site.

We’re here to support you.


Lytton Live Music Venues

Bars with live music, wedding venues, and other live music venues can be found in Lytton. The Kumsheen Rafting Resort will happily hold your function, and the community or Legion Hall is available for your next special event.

Of course there are beautiful parks throughout town that you can utilize as well. Any one of the places in Lytton can be transformed into your very own personal event venue with a little imagination!

Venues in Lytton

Caboose Park


Kumsheen Rafting Resort


Kumsheen invites you to an evening of music every Saturday from mid-July to the end of August. Shows are from 8:30 pm to 10:30 pm by the poolside Gazebo.

Lytton Municipal Halls, Arenas & Facilities


The Village of Lytton books local halls and facilities including live music events.

Lytton Royal Canadian Legion Hall Branch 162


Find More Lytton Live Music Venues